What could be the reason behind Google and Bing's mobile-friendly tests inaccurately flagging my site as non-mobile friendly?

Our website for resources is responsive and has been thoroughly tested on various real smartphones, including iPhone, Android, and Windows devices. It looks great on every phone we've tested it on.

You can visit the resources website here:

The site scales down effectively when tested in Chrome and Safari. However, both Bing and Google mobile friendly tests are not displaying the site correctly.

It seems like they may be viewing an outdated cached version of the CSS, even though they are recognizing the meta/viewport tag. We are puzzled as to why this older version is being cached, considering that the site consistently serves the latest version. This issue has persisted for weeks now.

Interestingly, our marketing site, which utilizes similar responsive code, displays correctly as responsive on mobile devices.

In the resources site, the stylesheet marketing-31db0bf8ce9fcecf2bceb39be640285e.css contains the responsive CSS code:

@media (max-width: 720px) {
    /* Responsive styles go here */

We are looking for suggestions on what we might be overlooking or need to adjust in order to ensure that the resources site appears as mobile-friendly as our marketing site.

Answer №1

Upon closer inspection, it appears that some elements are being cut off on the right side and the entire content is slightly shifted to the right. Typically, running your website through tests like these will provide you with instructions or alerts. Interestingly, when I first checked your site on , two errors were indicated (buttons too close together, and content extending beyond the right boundary). However, upon retesting, no errors were found and the site was deemed mobile friendly.

Answer №2

It took an excessive amount of time to troubleshoot the issue, but I eventually identified what was causing Google and Bing mobile tests to fail.

Upon inspection, it was determined that the body tag had the following style applied:

body {
    min-width: auto !important;

After making a simple adjustment to the code, changing it to this instead:

body {
    min-width: 100% !important;

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