What could be causing the failure in revealing these elements?

Within my Meteor application, I utilize Template.dynamic to seamlessly replace the current Template with the next one. In my "main" html file, the setup looks like this:

<div class="container">
   {{> postTravelWizard}}


<template name="postTravelWizard">
    {{> Template.dynamic template=getStepTemplate}}
    <button type="button" name="nextStep" id="nextStep">Next</button>

Furthermore, here is the relevant JavaScript code:

   Session.setDefault('stepNum', 1);

        getStepTemplate: function () {
            var step = Session.get('stepNum');
            switch (step) {
                case 5:
                  return 'tblFundOrgAccountActivityAmount';
                case 4:
                  return 'tblExpenseDescription';
                case 3:
                    return 'tblPayments';
                case 2:
                    return 'tblTravelerInfo2';
                    return 'tblTravelerInfo';
    }); // Template.postTravelWizard.helpers

Although this functionality works well, there is an issue with the HTML Table "columns". Despite applying the "hide" class to certain elements to hide them:

<template name="tblExpenseDescription">
  <button type="button" name="addDate" id="addDate">Add another Date</button>
. . .

...the columns do not unhide when the "Add Another Date" button is clicked. The CSS class used to hide these elements is defined as follows:

.hide {
  visibility: hidden;
  display: none;

Upon clicking the "Add Another Date" button, it should reveal the next hidden column. However, the following code does not achieve the desired result:

   Session.setDefault('nextDate', 1);
   . . .
    'click #addDate': function(event){
       var nextD8 = Session.get('nextDate');
       nextD8 = ++nextD8;
       Session.set('nextDate', nextD8);

       if (nextD8 == 2) {

Despite no error messages, removing the "hide" class from these elements does not change their visibility. Why might this be?

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, I can see that the 'hide' class is currently being applied to the td elements. However, in your JavaScript file, you are removing the class from #date2, which is actually an input element.

To resolve this issue, I recommend applying the ID of date2 to the td element instead. By making this adjustment, your code should function as intended.

Answer №2

In addition to the solution provided by bluejaybr, here is my approach:

0) I modified the HTML as follows:

<td class="centertext hide" id="tdDate2"><label>Date 2: </label><input type="date" id="date2" name="date2"/></td>

(included a unique "tdDate2" id in the td elements)

1) I updated the Javascript code from:




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