What could be causing my difficulty in locating an HTML element using jQuery/JS string interpolation? 🤔

In my project, I have a set of div blocks each identified by a unique numerical id.

For instance:

One of the tasks in my project is to select the 29th element following a specific chosen element. For example, if I choose the first div with id 1, then I should be able to select the div with id 30. Here's how I've tried to achieve this starting with the first div:

let int = parseInt($('.blockattribute').first().attr('id')) + 29;
$('#' + toString(int);

However, running this code results in the following error:

 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #[object Undefined]

Even though executing $('#30'); works perfectly fine and selects the desired div. So, what could be causing the issue?

Answer â„–1

Don't use Object.prototype.toString, as it will give you [object Undefined] when you call


Instead, consider using Number.prototype.toString() like this

let num = parseInt($('.blockattribute').first().attr('id')) + 29;
$('#' + num.toString());

However, keep in mind that when concatenating a string and a number in JavaScript, the result is always a string

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