What could be causing jQuery to overlook the content within my div element?

I have a basic toggle feature for a div connected to a checkbox.





Why is .hide() not working to hide the contents of #step2? The content consists of table data, but it's not hiding. When I close the div prematurely, it works fine.


The #step2 div is currently being placed above all my table data, so maybe it's a CSS styling issue?

Answer №1

Attempting to enclose your div#step2 within the table row will not function correctly as it does not adhere to standard markup practices. To achieve the desired result, encompass the entire table instead. Consider restructuring the layout if you wish to retain specific sections of the table.

Answer №2

One possible reason for your code not running could be that it is not triggered when the document is fully loaded. As a result, the code may only execute if the web page is short and loads quickly, but not if it includes a large table or other heavy content.

To resolve this issue, try implementing the following solution:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#toggle-check').click(function() {

Answer №3

After reviewing your queries, I'm unable to provide extensive feedback.

You also overlooked a semicolon in this location.

$('#toggle-check').click(function() {



Consider wrapping your code within $(document).ready(function(){}) and incorporating a semicolon.







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