What causes the scrollTop to appear erratic?

There is a simple issue that I find difficult to explain in text, so I have created a video demonstration instead. Please watch the video at this link:

The functionality on my page works perfectly when scrolling down, as it replaces images with the next image in the series.

However, the problem arises when I stop scrolling – the image reverts back to an earlier one. I have been monitoring the value of scrollTop (which is logged in the console in my video), and it seems that at the end of scrolling (when I release my fingers from the mousepad), it returns a low value such as 0.

Why is this happening? All I want is for the image to stay in place once I lift my fingers from the scroll wheel or pad.

Below is the code snippet that I am using:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
    var lastScrollTop;
    function mainScript(){
        lastScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
        window.addEventListener("scroll", bgAnimation, false);
        window.addEventListener('resize', bgResize);

    function bgAnimation(){

        var currentScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
        var currentBg = document.getElementById("pictureAnimation").src;
        var currentBgNum = currentBg.substring(currentBg.length-8, currentBg.length-4);

        if(currentScrollTop > lastScrollTop){
            if((currentBgNum < 0196) && (currentBgNum > 99)){
                var nextBgNum = Number(currentBgNum)+1;

                nextBgNum = String("0" + nextBgNum);
                var nextBg = currentBg.replace(currentBgNum, nextBgNum);
                document.getElementById("pictureAnimation").src = nextBg;
                lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop;
        else if(currentScrollTop < lastScrollTop){
            if((currentBgNum < 0197) && (currentBgNum > 100)){
                //decrement image number by 1
                var nextBgNum = Number(currentBgNum)-1;
                //update image      
                nextBgNum = String("0" + nextBgNum);
                var nextBg = currentBg.replace(currentBgNum, nextBgNum);
                document.getElementById("pictureAnimation").src = nextBg;
                lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop;

function bgResize(){

    var newWindowWidth = 0, newWindowHeight = 0;
    var emcPictureHeight = 1080, emcPictureWidth = 1920;
    if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
        newWindowWidth = window.innerWidth;
        newWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
        //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
        newWindowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
        newWindowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    else if( document.body && ( document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight ) ) {
        //IE 4 compatible
        newWindowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
        newWindowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;

    var scale = Math.max(newWindowWidth/emcPictureWidth, newWindowHeight/emcPictureHeight);
    var width = scale * emcPictureWidth , height = scale * emcPictureHeight;
    var left = (newWindowWidth-width)/2 , top = (newWindowHeight-height)/2;
    var emcView = document.getElementById("emcView"); 
    document.getElementById("emcView").style.width = width + "px";
    emcView.style.height = height + "px";
    emcView.style.position = "fixed";
    emcView.style.left = left + "px";
    emcView.style.zindex = 0;
    emcView.style.top = top + "px";
    //return true;
    window.onload=function() {

    <h3>This site requres JavaScript</h3>
<title> ELDP Awesomeness </title>
    #emcView {

<body cz-shortcut-listen="true">
    <div id ="emcView">
            <image id = "pictureAnimation" src="Sequence_Pictures/Sequence0100.jpg">


Answer №1

Make sure to adjust the lastScrollPosition by considering the image filename number, here is a suggested approach:

if(currentScrollTop > lastScrollTop){
    if((currentBgNum < 0196) && (currentBgNum > 99)){
        var nextBgNum = Number(currentBgNum)+1;

        nextBgNum = String("0" + nextBgNum);
        var nextBg = currentBg.replace(currentBgNum, nextBgNum);
        document.getElementById("pictureAnimation").src = nextBg;
        //lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop;   remove this
else if(currentScrollTop < lastScrollTop){
    if((currentBgNum < 0197) && (currentBgNum > 100)){
        //decrement image number by 1
        var nextBgNum = Number(currentBgNum)-1;
        //update image      
        nextBgNum = String("0" + nextBgNum);
        var nextBg = currentBg.replace(currentBgNum, nextBgNum);
        document.getElementById("pictureAnimation").src = nextBg;
        //lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop;   remove this

lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop;  // Move it here to ensure it is updated with each scroll event

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