What causes the gap between the image and div when the height of the div is adjusted?

Here is a simple HTML structure:

<div> <img style="width:100%;height:100%"/> </div>

The div appears like this in Chrome:


However, there is a gap between the div and the image:


I noticed that the image is supposed to cover the entire div,

If I increase the height of the div by more than 10px, everything looks perfect.


Now, the image covers the whole div:


Upon testing, it was observed that if the height of the div is less, the gap becomes larger.

So what could be the issue here?

Provided below is an example snippet of code from my project for reference. You can refer to the image using Chrome Dev Tools:

Answer №1

Consider using this code snippet:

img {
  vertical-align: top;

This is recommended because the default value for vertical-align on img elements is baseline.

For more information, check out the following link: vertical-align

Answer №2

@Zange-chan, your understanding is a bit off. When you set the position of an element to "absolute," it will indeed be removed from the DOM flow but it will still contain its child elements. The solution to this problem is simple - just set the display property of the img element to block. Give it a try:

img {
   display: block;

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