What causes Chrome Extension Images to appear broken when they are inserted into the DOM?

Currently working on a Chrome extension, I am attempting to insert a div with a background image into the DOM using a content script. The CSS is loading correctly, and upon inspecting the Developer Tools, the image URL appears to be correct.

$('.close-button').css('background', 'url('+chrome.extension.getURL('img/btn_close.png')+')');

When inspecting the URL in the console, it shows as


Despite this, the image fails to load as the background. Interestingly, if I use the same URL as the src attribute of an img tag, the image simply displays as broken in the browser.

However, when directly pasting the URL into the browser's address bar and loading it, the image appears perfectly fine. What might be causing the issue when trying to load it into the DOM?

Answer №1

After some research, I came across the solution for accessing files in the chrome extension docs. By default, files located in the extension root are not readily available in the web page DOM. However, developers have the option to change this behavior by using the "web_accessible_resources" setting in the manifest.json file:


  "web_accessible_resources": [

I would also like to give a special mention to Matt Greer's suggestion of utilizing a data URL, which I believe is another effective approach.

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