Working on the CSS for a website has led to some unexpected challenges. After sending my HTML and CSS files to another individual to implement into, I discovered that the transfer did not go as smoothly as anticipated. The biggest issue I encountered was the fact that when viewed in Chrome, Firefox, and IE8, the website rendered differently in each browser. One specific problem I faced involved a drop-down menu that would appear upon hovering over a link - it worked fine in IE, somewhat in Firefox, but completely broke in Chrome (I have not tested it in Safari or Opera yet). Aligning the design between Firefox and Chrome proved to be quite difficult, as the HTML source code also displayed two distinct pages.
Has anyone come across this issue before? My knowledge of is limited, and it appears that the person working with me may be using a WYSIWYG editor to modify my layout (tables appeared randomly throughout the code that I did not place there). In light of these circumstances, what would be the best course of action for me to take? Is this problem solvable, or am I tackling something beyond my capabilities?