What Causes Aliasing When Rotating Elements Using CSS?

During my testing of rotation on a div element, I observed that applying CSS to rotate the div resulted in aliasing, which gave it an awkward appearance. You can view the Fiddle demonstration here:



.alaised {
    border:2px solid green;

In the fiddle, you will notice that when the div is rotated, it appears aliased, but when it's not rotated and hovered over, it appears anti-aliased.

I've been searching for solutions online and attempted adding shadows with small widths and the same color as a workaround, but even the shadow appeared aliased.

Note: This issue seems more prominent on screens with resolutions of 1024x768 or lower, which are commonly used these days.

Answer №1

Just discovered a new technique: http://jsfiddle.net/zGAvZ/1/ (tested on Firefox 18)

Here is the relevant CSS code:

.aliased {

.aliased:after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    border:2px solid green;

.aliased:hover {

The concept involves rotating the :after pseudo-element normally and then applying the opposite rotation to the element itself upon hover. In Firefox 18, the square maintains its appearance nicely even after hovering.

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