What are the steps to view my HTML webpage on a smartphone?

Recently, I successfully created an HTML webpage with CSS and JS that looks and functions perfectly on my PC.

However, when attempting to access it on my phone, I encountered some issues. Despite transferring all the necessary files to my phone, only the base HTML file loads. The CSS and JS files were in the same folder as the HTML, but the references in the code seem to have caused this issue.

In the code, I am linking the CCS using

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
and for the script
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js">

I usually view the HTML file on Google Chrome on my PC and attempted to do so on my Android phone as well, which also uses Google Chrome.

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions to help me resolve this problem and enable me to view my webpage properly on my phone, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

If you want to view a webpage on your mobile device that is hosted on your local server, simply connect both devices to the same network and navigate to your PC's private IP address.

A great tool for this task is the live-server npm package. Just install it globally with npm install -g live-server, go to your website directory, and run live-server. This will display the port number you are running on as well.

To find out your private IP address, open another command line window and type ifconfig (or ipconfig if you're using Windows).

On your mobile device, enter the IP address followed by the port number (e.g., to access your website.

Answer №2

When it comes to previewing on a mobile device, one of the simplest methods is utilizing online tools like: ? I trust that this suggestion will assist you in identifying and resolving your issue.

Answer №3

https://i.stack.imgur.com/lmEZO.jpgExperience the mobile view on your computer by following these steps:

  1. Visit the website you wish to see
  2. Hold down ctrl + shift + I(This will bring up the Inspector)
  3. Press ctrl + shift + M(To activate the device toolbar)

You can even simulate various screen sizes for a more accurate display.

Answer №4

Here are the steps you can take to view your site on mobile:

  1. Ensure that both your computer and mobile device are connected to the same network.
  2. Install the live server extension in Vscode. Once installed, it will be displayed on the status bar as Go Live.
  3. Launch the extension. You will be able to access the site on a specific port_number (e.g., 3000).
  4. In command prompt for Windows, type ipconfig.
  5. Copy the IPv4 Address from the output.
  6. On your mobile device, enter the following: IPv4 Address:port_number. Your site should now be visible on your mobile device.

Answer №5

If you're looking to test the functionality of your website on a mobile device, you can easily do so by connecting your phone to your computer via USB and syncing Chrome desktop with Chrome mobile.

Google provides a helpful guide for this process:


This method allows you to view and make edits to your site on your computer while simultaneously seeing how it appears on your mobile device. You'll also have access to the desktop devtools for further troubleshooting.

For a more permanent solution, consider hosting your site on a webserver and accessing it over the internet.

Answer №6

Begin by launching your development environment to connect it with a specific port on your local machine. Find out the IP address of your computer and confirm that both your mobile device and PC are connected to the same network. Open your browser and enter your computer's IP address followed by the designated port number to view the content.

Answer №7

Try embedding your css styles directly into the html code and view it on your smartphone for optimal functionality. While images may not appear, you can still assess how well your website adjusts to different screen sizes.

Answer №8

Get the open in browser app from the play store, then navigate to your mobile device's internal storage and select "open with: open in browser".

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