It's common knowledge that IE7 has its fair share of issues...
I've scoured through countless posts here and on Google, all pointing me towards setting the style manually with onfocus() and onblur(). Alas, nothing seems to be working!
This is the jQuery code I've been testing:
if (jQuery.browser.msie === true) {
var $foo= $(this);
$foo.bind('onfocus onblur', function() {
}//end if
Accompanied by this corresponding input box:
<input name="ctl00$SelectionContent$Selections1$txtDestinationDate" type="text"
id="ctl00_SelectionContent_Selections1_txtDestinationDate" class="date-picker"
style="width:80px;" />
I have double-checked that my code is successfully detecting MSIE. It's also showing a count of 2 objects.
Any bright ideas?
Thanks a bunch in advance,