What are the steps to ensure that data retrieved from an API is accurately displayed in a table?

My current goal is to collect data from the crypto compare API and display it in a table format. Although I am able to generate the necessary elements and append them to the table body, I am facing an unusual issue. Each time I use a for loop to iterate through individual coin data, all 100 coins are displayed in a single row rather than separating each coin into its own respective row.

Interestingly, when I manually assign a number instead of iterating through the data, the table displays a single coin per row as intended.

I have attempted storing the class names in variables and then appending the data to these variable classes, but this approach did not resolve the issue.

 for (let i = 0; i < $marketCapNumber; i++) {
    "<tr class='tableRowData'>" +
      "<td class='rank data' id = '1'> </td>" +
      "<td class='name data' id = '2'> </td>" +
      "<td class=' symbol data' id= '3'> </td>" +
      "<td class=' marketCap data' id ='4'> </td>" +
      "<td class='price data' id='5'> </td>" +

//data from the API 
for (let j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
  // Name
  let name = data.Data[j].CoinInfo.FullName;
  // symbol e.g btc, xrp, ltc
  let symbol = data.Data[j].DISPLAY.USD.FROMSYMBOL;
  //  price
  let price = data.Data[j].DISPLAY.USD.PRICE;
  //   marketcap
  let $marcketCap = data.Data[j].DISPLAY.USD.MKTCAP;

  //   created inputs
  const $nameOfCoin = $('<p>').text(`${name}`);
  const $ticker = $('<p>').text(`${symbol}`);
  const $coinprice = $('<p>').text(`${price}`);
  const $totalMarketCap = $('<p>').text(`${$marcketCap}`);
  // assigning variable to class names
    const nameClass = $('.name');
    const symbolClass= $('.symbol');
    const priceClass = $('.price');
    const marketCapClass = $('.marketCap');
  // append to the <td>


Despite my efforts, the table continues to display all coins in one row instead of organizing them individually. How can I resolve this issue so that each row in the table corresponds to one specific coin's information, rather than repeating the list of coins multiple times?

Answer №1

After setting up the table, running

will capture each occurrence of
<td class='price data' id = '5'> </td>
within the table and attach the value of $coinprice to all of them. If there are 5 coins in an array labeled 1 - 5, the final result should display
<td class='price data' id='5'><p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p><p>4</p><p>5</p></td>
for each row in the table.

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