What are the steps to apply material-ui's error-themed style (color) to non-form text?

When it comes to using error styles for form inputs like text fields, the documentation is straightforward. But what about applying the same style to a custom element, such as a text label for a file upload button or another unique component that doesn't align with predefined components?

To clarify: I don't want to randomly select a color and insert it into my CSS with a suitable selector. I aim to ensure consistency by utilizing the theme's error color, whether it's the default option, an imported theme, or even a customized one (in the case of a custom theme, it's relatively simple but not very DRY to repeatedly use the same value in CSS).

In this particular scenario, I wish to restrict users from uploading files larger than 100MB and exhibit an error message if they attempt to select a file exceeding this limit. Ideally, I would like to display this text in the error style defined by the current theme. However, based on the material-ui documentation, I can only find guidance on setting error properties for pre-built components such as text fields.

To simplify things:

        onChange={(e) => {this.fileChanged(e);}}
      <label htmlFor="file-upload-button">
        <Button variant="contained" component="span" color="default">
          Browse video
        <br /><small>(Max size: 100MB)</small>

In the above code snippet, the display: none property is applied to the input tag via a CSS stylesheet. Additionally,

  fileChanged(e) {
    let file = e.target.files[0];
    let sizeMB = file.size / 2**20;
      selectedFile: e.target.files[0],
      fileTooLarge: sizeMB > 100

The question remains - how can I utilize the theme's error color to style the "Max Size" message or any other elements within the design?

Answer №1

Here are 3 simple steps to help you resolve your issue:

  1. First, integrate the theme into your app using the theme provider (this applies to v3 MUI, but should be similar for v4 now). Refer to the documentation for detailed instructions.

  2. Next, you can customize the theme by following these guidelines:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
    error: {
      main: "#ff604f"
  1. Finally, implement your custom color by injecting styles into your component using withStyles() (or useStyles() for v4 hooks) and defining your style const within your component. Here's an example:
const styles = theme => ({
  button: {
    backgroundColor: theme.palette.error.main,

Important Note: If you use error as a palette variable name, it will override the default error color value.

Answer №2

Looks like a similar question:How can I apply a class in React.js?

If you assign an ID and then do this:


Then, when the user uploads the correct size:


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