What are the steps for creating a div with a partially hidden element?

Is it possible to create a partially visible div on a webpage, similar to a footer, that slides up when clicked? This div will contain important information.

I have managed to achieve this to some extent, but the issue I am facing is that the div doesn't actually get hidden, rather it just changes its position.

You can view the demo by visiting: http://jsfiddle.net/8ZFMJ/394/

var clicked=false;
$(".two").on('click', function(){
        $(".two").css({"bottom": -430});
        $(".two").css({"bottom": "-200px"});

Answer №1

A while ago, I encountered a similar issue which prompted me to ask my first question on StackOverflow. Unfortunately, the response was not very positive.

The issue at hand is that simply changing the position of the div by using ".bottom" is not enough. It seems what you really want to do is adjust the height instead. You can refer to this JSFiddle where I successfully switched the div between states (although without any animation yet).

This solution involves utilizing CSS's "overflow-y: hidden;" to conceal the contents of the div when it's small. The JavaScript code toggles between two different heights:

    $(".two").css("height", 10);
    $(".two").css("height", 250);
clicked = !clicked;

The line clicked = !clicked simply changes the boolean state of the variable.

To incorporate animation, we can use jQuery's ".animate" method and create this visually appealing Fiddle.

In essence, all we had to do was replace the css with animate to achieve the desired effect. Pretty straightforward, right?

Check out the final version of the JSFiddle here.

Answer №2

.two should be positioned absolutely within the .container element, which should have a relative position. By adjusting the bottom property to a negative value, you can hide the footer.


html, body { height: 100%; }
.container {
    position: relative;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
.two {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: yellow;
    width: 100%;
    bottom: -200px;
    transition: bottom 1s;


var clicked=false;
$(".two").on('click', function(){
        $(".two").css({"bottom": "-200px"});
        $(".two").css({"bottom": 0});


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