What are the distinctions between the OL > LI:only-child and !OL > LI:only-child CSS Selector 4?

Let's take a closer look at these two unique selector examples. In the first scenario, we have an ordered list OL containing a single list item LI:

OL > LI:only-child

Now, let's consider the second example where we have an ordered list OL that is itself a unique child, with the only child being a list item LI:

!OL > LI:only-child

Although the tree structures represented by these selectors are identical, the focus of each selector differs due to their subjects.

I might need some clarification on this distinction. Could you provide me with an example for better understanding?

Answer №1

The source of the example you provided is referenced from the W3C's draft.

A key distinction lies in the element targeted by the rule.

In the initial scenario, it targets the LI, as the default behavior applies to the last element of the selector.

However, in the second case, the target shifts to the OL, since it contains the !.

If you have the following style :

!OL > LI:only-child {
   background: yellow;

then the yellow background will be applied to the entire OL element.

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