To display data in a textarea with a specific format, follow these guidelines:
Here is how the current UI should look like:
Below is the HTML code to achieve this:
<textarea disabled class="bgYellow" rows="6">{{text1}}</textarea>
And here is the corresponding Typescript Code:
invoiceNo = '1000799758-00';
status = 'Spark';
palletLP = '';
needAudit = 'NO';
text1 = 'Invoice No.: ' + this.invoiceNo + '\n' +
'Status: ' + this.status + '\n' +
'Pallet LP: ' + this.palletLP + '\n' +
'Audit?: ' + this.needAudit;
I am looking for help on how to align the "Invoice No." label to the left and its corresponding data to the right similar to Bootstrap grid style.