What are the best practices for creating a contemporary website that functions effectively on IE7?

After creating several websites for my clients, I discovered that they are not functioning well in IE7. Unfortunately, there is still a small percentage of people using IE7. Can anyone suggest a super quick solution to fix this issue? Feel free to recommend an article or JavaScript solution. Thank you for your advice!

Answer №1

Check out this website for cutting-edge technology!

This tool is lightning fast - make sure to include it at the start of your scripts (in the header)

Answer №2

  1. To ensure compatibility, make sure your websites are not in quirks mode (meaning they have a valid doctype at the beginning of the HTML)

  2. Consider using a JavaScript framework to manage browser differences. MooTools or jQuery are both popular options.

If you're lucky, it may even function properly in Internet Explorer 6.

Answer №3

If you need to accommodate older browsers like IE7, consider utilizing a CSS framework that provides support for them.

One option to explore is Cascade Framework. Specifically designed to cater to IE6 onwards, it offers similar features to Bootstrap but boasts a highly flexible grid system unmatched by others in the market.

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