What are some ways to personalize the depth graph in amcharts?

I am having trouble modifying the depth graph amchart and I'm struggling to grasp how it functions and how to design it like the image below.

Below is the link to the original graph that I am trying to customize:



Answer №1

Please consider the individual providing answers to your question. When you mention "customize," it can be interpreted in various ways, so please provide specific details to enable others to assist you effectively.

On another note, the tutorials and demonstrations available on amCharts are quite comprehensive. We are continuously enhancing these resources, so we welcome any suggestions, especially if you feel that something crucial is missing.

If you wish to personalize the colors of the chart, you can utilize CSS to modify the background of the entire chart, similar to the example demonstrated in this demo:

#chartdiv {

The demo also illustrates how to deactivate grid lines if that interests you:

axis.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;

You can similarly disable other axis elements like their labels (this link is part of a more extensive guide on Axes in general).

If you want to customize colors, first refer to our comprehensive guide on colors as you will utilize JavaScript to color SVGs rather than CSS. Typically, the attributes for applying colors to SVGs are their fill and stroke attributes. While you may use keyword, hex, and rgb strings, using the am4core.Color class is recommended to ensure smooth color transitions between states.

To adjust the plot area's colors, you can assign a fill color to the background property of the first child of the default plotContainer property on XYCharts, for instance:

chart.plotContainer.children.getIndex(0).background.fill = am4core.color({ r: 17, g: 27, b: 54 }).brighten(0.2);

For alternating colors, check out our guide on "Alternating axis fills".

To switch the axes, simply interchange the x and y axes. By changing instances of {categoryX} to {categoryY} and {valueX} to {valueY}, you can customize labels, tooltips' text, and formatting strings in v4. You can anchor the chart to the right by setting the x axis renderer's inversed property to true:

valueAxis.renderer.inversed = true;

Here's an enhanced version of your demo incorporating many of the above recommendations:


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