What are some techniques for managing scrolling within a particular element?

I am currently working with Vue.js and utilizing Element UI components. I want to incorporate a scroll management function to achieve infinite scrolling.

To better understand, please refer to the screenshot in the Example section:

Despite trying different approaches, such as the code snippet below, the infiniteScroll method does not get triggered when scrolling this particular section:

<el-main @scroll="infiniteScroll">......</el-main>

I also attempted another solution by using event listeners for the scroll events but encountered issues because there are multiple scrollable elements on the page (nav/content), and I only want the infiniteScroll method to be called when the content is scrolled:

created: function () {
  window.addEventListener('scroll', this.infiniteScroll);
destroyed: function () {
  window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.infiniteScroll);

Any suggestions or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №2

One piece of advice shared by Jamie Johnson in the responses is that you must connect the event listener to the specific scrolling element you desire. Here's an example of how to do this:

<scroll-area id="myScrollingElement">......</scroll-area>

document.getElementById('myScrollingElement').addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollHandler);

If this approach doesn't work, it may be due to the implementation of the scrollHandler method.

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