What are some solutions for managing SubPixel Handling issues on an iPhone?

Issue: I am currently in the process of developing a PhoneGap/Cordova app for both iOS and Android using jQuery Mobile. To incorporate a calendar feature into my app, I decided to create my own rather than use existing plugins due to not finding any that met all my requirements. My calendar consists of seven divs, each representing a day of the week, with each set to float:left and width:14.28571428571429% to make up 1/7 of 100% width. The container div for the calendar is set to width: 100%. When inspecting with Chrome developer tools, it confirms that the container (id="calendar") is utilizing 100% of the available width.

Problem Statement: Although everything appears fine on desktop view, an issue arises when testing the app on iPhone or iPad devices - a small margin (approximately 2%) appears on the right side of the calendar layout.

Further Investigation: Research led me to discover that this problem may be attributed to subpixel rendering. I came across information about Subpixel Rendering on WikiPedia and also stumbled upon an article from CSS-Tricks discussing how different browsers handle fractions of pixels, particularly in WebKit based browsers like mobile Safari. It seems that a fraction of the calculated width, around 0.28%, is being truncated by the browser, leading to the extra margin. Despite efforts, I haven't been able to find a viable solution to address this issue.

Sample Code Snippet:

<div id="calendar">

    <div class="cal-week"> 

        <a href="javascript:monthPrev();">
            <div class="day day-inactive">28</div>

        [additional day divs go here...]


[more content within the calendar]

</div><!-- /calendar -->

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar issue in Firefox has been quite challenging for me, but maybe the solution that worked for me could also work for you.

The issue I encountered was with calculating the screen width during a page change event in Firefox. Sometimes, the scrollbar would be included in the width calculation, resulting in incorrect values. For example, if I needed a width of 1000px, I would actually get 983px (excluding the 17px scrollbar).

After spending a considerable amount of time debugging and troubleshooting, I found a workaround that helped resolve this issue:

wrapWidth = document.body.clientWidth,
// When calculating screen width in Firefox, the scrollbar width is often 
// included even when the page height is less than the available screen height.
// This leads to an inaccurate page width due to the inclusion of the scrollbar width (17px).
// Browser window: window.innerWidth ~ e.g. 924
// Wrapper page: document.body.clientWidth ~ e.g. 907

// If the page height is smaller than the screen height, correct by 17px.
fireFoxCorrection = (window.innerWidth !== wrapWidth && wrap.height() <= window.innerHeight) ? window.innerWidth - wrapWidth : 0,

This correction value gives me either 17px when the error occurs or 0 when it doesn't, allowing me to adjust the calculated width accordingly:

element_width = calculatedWidth + fireFoxCorrection

You might want to consider checking if you can identify and implement a similar correction in your setup using window.innerWidth and document.body.clientWidth. By determining the difference between these values and applying it as a correction factor to element widths, you may be able to mitigate the issue.

Answer №2

If you happen to come across this:

After spending a considerable amount of time scouring through Webkit documentation, I discovered that improper SubPixel handling is a widely known bug that needs to be resolved in order to permanently eliminate these types of issues. The only reliable workaround I could find is implementing a negative pixel margin fix. This post provides detailed information on the topic.

In my specific case involving seven columns, adding a negative pixel margin to each column was causing an unwanted margin on the right side of the screen. What ultimately solved the problem for me was applying the negative margins to every other column. Therefore, columns 0, 2, 4, and 6 now have a margin-left: -1px, while the remaining three do not. It's a temporary solution for now, but hopefully this issue will be addressed sooner rather than later.


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