What are some effective ways to implement a real-time tracking system for shipments using Angular JS?


I am currently working on developing a shipment tracker using Angular, HTML5, and CSS3. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to dynamically create the shipment tracker using AngularJS?

My initial plan is to incorporate ng-animate for the tracker.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After tirelessly searching, I finally found a solution using an HTML Progress Bar to track my shipments.

The progress can be updated based on the shipping status, and currently, I am utilizing the $interval function to update the progress every three seconds.

var app = angular.module("shipment_tracker", []);
app.controller('progressCtrl',function($scope, $interval){

$scope.title="Shipment Progress";
    $scope.updateProgress = function() {
       if($scope.progress_value <=100){
$scope.progress_value = $scope.progress_value + 10;
$scope.progress_value = 0;

    $interval( function(){ $scope.updateProgress(); }, 3000);
.tracker {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="shipment_tracker" ng-controller="progressCtrl">
<h3 ng-bind='title'> </h3><br/><br/>
<progress value="{{progress_value}}" max="100" class="tracker">

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