What are some creative ways to conceal text using CSS or JavaScript?

Looking for a solution:

<div id="body" role="main">
<p>My site is mysite.com</p></div>

I always have

<div id="body" role="main">
, <h1>, and <p> tags on each page.

Is there a way to hide the text inside <h1> and <p> (i.e. "Title" and "My site is mysite.com") on specific URLs without affecting other pages?

If anyone knows how to achieve this using CSS or JavaScript, please advise.

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you want to conceal the immediate child elements of the body:

body > h1, body > p {
   display: none;

Please inform me if this solution works for you.

Answer №2

To remove content, simply use .innerText = ''; method. Below is an example snippet for reference.

Update: If you want to apply the code only when the URI matches a specific value, you can do so by using this:

var uri = window.location.pathname.substr(1).replace('/', '');
if (uri == 'secret') {
    var div = document.getElementById('body');
    div.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = '';
    div.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerText = '';

var div = document.getElementById('body');
div.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = '';
div.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerText = '';
<div id="body" role="main">
<p>My site is mysite.com</p></div>

Answer №3

One way to hide an element using CSS is by utilizing the display property:

   display: none;

Answer №4

To hide an element, you can apply the CSS property display: none;

   display: none;
   display: none;

Answer №5

If you want to hide the h1 and p elements on the /secret/ page, you can achieve this using JavaScript. Simply paste the following code snippet at the end of the /secret/ page:

    var target = document.getElementById('body');
    target.querySelector('p').style = 'display: none;';
    target.querySelector('h1').style = 'display: none;';

Alternatively, if you need to apply this script to all pages but only execute it on /secret/, you can check the URI and then selectively hide the elements:

    var uri = window.location.pathname.substr(1).replace('/', '');
    if (uri == 'secret') {
        var target = document.getElementById('body');
        target.querySelector('p').style = 'display: none;';
        target.querySelector('h1').style = 'display: none;';

Answer №6

Personally, I have a preference for using classes over IDs in HTML.

.hide {
  display: none;

When applying this to your HTML code:

<div id="body" role="main">
  <h1 class="hide">Title</h1>
  <p class="hide">Visit my website at mysite.com</p>

I hope you find this solution helpful.

If you are unable to modify the HTML and the elements you want to hide are always in position one and two within the body div, you can use the following CSS:

#body > h1:nth-child(1),
#body > p:nth-child(2) {
  display: none;

Answer №7

To conceal text within a specific tag, you can apply the {display:none} style


Check out my website at mysite.com

h1{ display : none}

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