What are alternative methods for creating a two-column form layout that do not involve the use of

When generating the html form, I am looping through the form variables as shown below:

{% for field in form %}

The labels and fields are going through a loop. A simple one-column layout can be generated using:

 {% for field in form %}
     <div>{{ LABEL }}</div><div>{{ INPUT FIELD }}</div>

However, with 20 fields, I would like to have a two-column layout with text on the upper line and the field below it. I'm unsure of how to achieve this within the loop.

Answer №1

To maintain organization, group the desired items together instead of individually enclosing each in a div:

{% for item in list %}
    <group>{{ LABEL }}{{ ITEM INPUT }}</group>

In your CSS file, implement the following:

list { width: 600px; /* adjust as needed */ }
list > group { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; width: 50%; }
label, input { display: block; }

It may be necessary to modify the widths considering padding, margins, etc. This approach will arrange the form elements into two columns flowing from right to left and down the page.

Answer №2

When it comes to styling your label and input fields using CSS, there are various approaches you can take. One common method is following the guidelines outlined by A List Apart's "Gurus": http://www.alistapart.com/articles/prettyaccessibleforms

However, it's important to note that this approach may not work as well for forms with labels that span multiple lines.

An alternative technique gaining popularity is using definition lists to structure labels and elements instead of relying solely on div elements. If you're interested in learning how to style a form using this method, check out this resource: Keep in mind that the debate over whether this HTML structure remains semantic is ongoing, so it's essential to consider input from HTML standards enthusiasts.

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