What are all the different methods I can use to transfer element A to element B, and what are those methods?

While experimenting with Jquery, I encountered a roadblock and now have this question in mind.

I wish to enclose all the anchor elements within a newly created div element.

<td class="cont-mod-none-options" valign="top" align="right">
    <a href="test1">copy</a>
    <a href="test2">cut</a>
    <a href="test3">
        <img src="/images/edit.png" width="28" height="12" border="0">
    <a href="test4">
        <img src="/images/pic.png" width="12" height="12" border="0">

Is it possible to create a div element and nest these elements inside it? Like so:

<td class="cont-mod-none-options" valign="top" align="right">
         <a href="test1">copy</a>
         <a href="test2">cut</a>
         <a href="test3">
            <img src="/images/edit.png" width="28" height="12" border="0">
         <a href="test4">
            <img src="/images/pic.png" width="12" height="12" border="0">

So, what are the available options for achieving this?

Answer №1

let $element = $("td").children();
$("td").append($("<div />").append($element));

I'm not entirely certain what you're referring to regarding possibilities. There are numerous ways to achieve it. Here's one simple method.

Basically, you create a selector to target the element you want to move, and then append it to the desired location.

Play around with your example here: http://jsfiddle.net/kt4F2/

let $element = $("td").children();
$("td").append($("<div />").append($element));

Another option: http://jsfiddle.net/w9GCh/

The second approach uses $.wrapAll().

$("td").children().wrapAll("<div />");

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