-webkit-margin creates excess spacing on text elements

It just dawned on me, not only in webkit browsers. All texts within p tags or h1 tags seem to have extra spacing above and below the text.

In my investigation in Chrome, I came across this:

user agent stylesheet

-webkit-margin-before: 1em;
-webkit-margin-after: 1em;
-webkit-margin-start: 0px;
-webkit-margin-end: 0px;

This extra space disrupts alignment in certain areas. Despite using a reset stylesheet with no additional padding or margin, this issue persists. It almost seems like a basic setup. What is causing this and how can it be resolved?

Answer №1

If you want to adjust those attributes manually, you can do it like this:


This method has proven effective for me on Chrome and Safari. I hope this information proves useful!

Answer №2

The -webkit-margin properties are being overridden by margin: 0; padding: 0;. No need to be concerned about them.

Noticing extra space? It could be due to the line-height: property you have set.

Answer №3

Encountered a similar problem where the display was correct in Firefox but not in Chrome.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the issue stemmed from not defining a general line-height for the body tag in my stylesheet. After setting it to 1.2, the layout appeared correctly in both browsers. For more information, you can visit .

Answer №4

To eliminate the spaces between tags, simply do the following:

<p id="one"></p><p id="two"></p>

Answer №5

I encountered the same issue with extra space between menu links. None of the previously suggested solutions worked for me. What did work, however, was using a negative margin. Simply implement something like this:

margin: 0 -2px;


The problem is not related to -webkit-margins. It is more likely caused by inline elements. This commonly occurs due to spaces or line breaks between inline elements. To address this issue, there are several solutions available:

  • Eliminate all spaces and line breaks between inline elements
  • Omit closing tags for elements - e.g. </li> (HTML5 does not mind)
  • Utilize negative margins (as mentioned earlier - potential issues with IE6/7 - consider upgrading)
  • Apply font-size: 0; to the problematic inline element container (note possible complications with android and em-based font sizing)
  • Avoid inline elements and switch to float positioning (though this will result in loss of text-align:center)

Further detailed explanations and examples provided by CHRIS COYIER

Answer №6

Dealing with a similar issue, I encountered difficulties with my <h3> element. Despite attempting to set margin: 0;, the problem persisted.

Upon further investigation, I realized that my CSS file contained inadvertent comments using // instead of proper syntax like /**/. This minor oversight caused the browser to overlook the declaration for <h3>, preventing me from adjusting the margin as intended.

The lesson learned here is to always use correct commenting techniques to avoid unexpected coding errors.

Answer №7

When I looked at the picture, here's what I saw:

* {margin:0;padding:0;}

I noticed that Firefox (FF) and Google Chrome both added 0.67em margins no matter what. In FF, the default margin was there but crossed out, yet still applied. On the other hand, in GC, the default margin (-webkit-margin-before...) appeared without any strike-through.

To try and fix this issue, I decided to add:

* {margin:0;padding:0; -webkit-margin-before: 0; -webkit-margin-after: 0;}

Unfortunately, this didn't work as expected. Although, now GC showed its default margin with a strikethrough.

After some experimenting, I discovered that I could either use:

line-height: 0;


font-size: 0;

to achieve the desired outcome. It seems logical when considering that the margin is likely of the .67em type. If anyone can shed light on why browsers complicate things by applying a line-height dependent, non-removable margin, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №8

In my experience with Chrome, the issue was caused by a 40px padding-start. I resolved it by taking the following steps:

ul {
    -webkit-padding-start: 0em;

Answer №9

    -webkit-margin-before: 0em;
    -webkit-padding-start: 0;
    -webkit-margin-after: 0em;

This simple fix worked wonders for me when I encountered the same issue.

Answer №10

To implement this style, simply insert the code snippet below into your CSS file:

* {
  -webkit-margin-before: 0em !important;
  -webkit-margin-after: 0em !important;

This rule will apply to all CSS elements and effectively reset their webkit-margin properties.

Answer №11

Contemporary features

Consider utilizing the following attributes instead.

padding-inline-start: 0;
padding-inline-end: 0;

Although seldom necessary, the subsequent snippet can be advantageous in eliminating excess space following the ultimate paragraph within a sequence.

   padding-inline-end: 0;

I have also noticed that triggering the 'phantom padding' in Chrome is possible by assigning 'inherit' to padding under certain circumstances.


Answer №12

I encountered a similar issue where one of the table cells in my set of three was displaying its header slightly lower than the others. Fortunately, I managed to resolve it with a simple solution:

table td
    vertical-align: top;

It appeared that another element in a different stylesheet was causing the data to center itself in the cell instead of aligning it at the top.

In retrospect, it might seem like a trivial problem that wasn't really a hindrance... but someone else facing the same 'stupid' error could benefit from this solution.

Best wishes!

Answer №13

If the user agent stylesheet is taking over, it could be due to a missing definition of the tag property in your CSS file.

There's a possibility that a simple typo, a forgotten bracket, or a missing semicolon is causing issues in your stylesheet before it even gets to the tag properties needed for your page.

Be sure to run your CSS through an error checker like CSS LINT and address any errors that are found.

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