Ways to transfer JavaScript arguments to CSS style

Currently, I am developing a web service using Angular and Spring Boot. In this project, I have implemented cdkDrag functionality to allow users to place images in specific locations within the workspace. My goal is to maintain the placement of these images even after a browser refresh. To achieve this, I am saving the coordinates of each image in the database after every drag and drop action. When the browser is refreshed, I retrieve the previous coordinates from a Router class:

export class Router implements Node {

  id: string;

  x: number;
  y: number;

  constructor() {

Here is some HTML code related to this process:

    <a *ngFor="let router of routers">
      <img id="node" src="assets/images/router.png" cdkDrag (click)="updateParameters($event, router)">

My intention now is to dynamically set the margin-left property as router.x + "px" and margin-top property as router.y. However, my initial attempt using

style="margin-left: {{router.x}}px"
did not produce the desired result. Does anyone know if there is another approach to achieving this?

Answer №1

To achieve this, utilize the ngStyle directive.

NgStyle is an attribute directive that can be used to update styles for the surrounding HTML element. It allows you to set one or more style properties using colon-separated key-value pairs. The key represents the style name and can include a . suffix (e.g., 'top.px', 'font-style.em'). The value should be an expression that will be evaluated. If the result of the evaluation is not null, it will be assigned to the corresponding style property in the specified unit. If the result is null, the style will be removed.

<some-element [ngStyle]="{'margin-left': router.x + 'px'}">...</some-element>

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