Ways to transfer data between Angular controller and jQuery

Looking for some guidance on how to toggle between two HTML divs based on user input validation using an Angular controller and jQuery animations. Each div contains input fields that need to be validated before moving on to the next stage. Here is a simplified version of the code:

  <div id = "stageOne">
  <!-- input fields -->

<a class = "btn" id = "stageOneDone" ng-click = "checkFields(true)">Continue</a>
  <!-- Proceed to second stage here -->

  <div align = "center" id = "stageTwo" style = "display: none">
     <!-- input fields -->




        //var completedIncorrectly = something





The checkFields() function determines whether to validate the first or second div based on the parameter passed. However, I need to find a way to capture the return value of the function in jQuery to trigger the animation.

Just to clarify, I prefer using jQuery animations over Angular for this specific task. Any insights on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Solved the issue by consolidating all the jQuery code within the controller.

Answer №2

In the controller, you have the ability to define variables such as $scope.stage = 'one';

<div ng-show="stage='one'">First stage</div>
<div ng-show="stage='second'">Second stage</div>

It is not necessary to use jQuery for this task.

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