Ways to show a div element within an input field?

I want to incorporate tags similar to stackoverflow on my website. Users will be able to create tags for filtering results, searching, showcasing expertise, and more.

I have managed to create tags, but I am struggling to display them inside an input box like stackoverflow. The issue lies with the margin between tags. Every time a tag is created, it appears aligned but without any space or margin. Currently, all tags are displayed inline without any separation.

The jQuery code I have experimented with is:

$(function () {        
    $("#inputtext").keypress(function (e) {
        var valueofinput = $(this).val();
        if (e.which == 13) {

    $('.tag').click(function () {

I also tried displaying the tags within an input tag like this:

if(e.which==32)     //for space

Unfortunately, this approach did not yield the desired result.


Answer №1

Simply put: It's not possible to fake it, but you can create the illusion that you are achieving it.

For a more detailed explanation, check out this example

        var valueofinput= $(this).val();
            $('#inputtext').before('<span class="tag">' + valueofinput + '</span>');
    $(document).on('click', '.tag', function(){
    $('.inputholder').click(function() { $('#inputtext').focus(); });

Answer №2

It is not possible to insert a div within an input tag. When attempting to add a tag within an input tag on stackoverflow, right clicking on the input tag and selecting Inspect Element will reveal that they use a span tag instead, placed outside the input tag itself.

   <span >  //used for the tags
  <input />

Answer №3

 var oldVal;         
       oldVal= $(this).val();    

    var valueofinput= $(this).val().replace(oldVal,'');



.tag > span


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