Ways to require text entry only when specific radio buttons are selected in jQuery

Currently, I am working on a project using JSP and have created an HTML form with a Process button at the top. When this button is clicked, a form is displayed containing two radio buttons - TestClient and TestServer.

The form also includes a Submit button for submitting the data.

To view the JSFiddle related to this, click here.

My goal is to require users to fill in the firstName and lastName textboxes when selecting the TestClient radio button before they can press the Submit button. Any additional information entered into a third textbox for the TestClient radio button should trigger an error message next to that specific textbox. On the other hand, if the TestServer radio button is selected, all three textboxes must be filled out.

I am considering implementing a disable feature for the Submit button if certain conditions are not met, along with displaying a relevant message next to the textboxes.

Although I am new to jQuery, I am eager to learn more about it and its functionalities.

Answer №1

To simplify user interaction and prevent confusion, consider using the hide() function to hide unnecessary fields like demonstrated in this sample code. By hiding the address field when the TestClient button is selected and showing it when the TestServer button is chosen, you can streamline the input process and reduce the likelihood of error messages popping up, which users typically find frustrating.

Answer №2

check out this interactive example

If you want to determine if a form can be submitted, use a submittable method to check if required inputs have a value:

// update submit button
function submittable() {
    // retrieve all required fields (needs to be done each time)
    var $required = $('input[required=required]', '#form_process'),
        $submittable = true;
    $required.each(function() {
        if ($(this).val()) {
            // do nothing
        } else {
            $submittable = false;
    return $submittable;

To make this work correctly, ensure that your universally required inputs have the required attribute and your optionally required address input does not have it.

<input name="fname" id="fname" placeholder="firstName" required="required">
<input name="lname" id="lname" placeholder="lastName" required="required">
<input name="address" id="address" placeholder="address">

Next is the validate method which uses the submittable function to validate the form and enable/disable the button accordingly:

var $submit = $('#submit');

// control validation
function validate() {
    if (submittable()) {
        // valid state
    } else {
        // invalid state

Initially, run the validate function:

// perform initial validation

Then, trigger it on keyup of any form input:

// validate on input keyup
$('#form_process input').keyup(function() {

You also need a function to get the currently checked radio option to show/hide additional input. Make sure to toggle the required attribute for the address input when needed so it's included in the validate method:

var $address = $('#address'),
    $server = $('#server');

function getChecked() {
    // identify currently selected input
    var $checked = $('input[name=client]:checked', '#form_process');
    // if server is selected
    if ($checked.attr('id') === 'server') {
    } else {

For this to function properly, set one of the radios as checked initially:

<input type="radio" name="client" id="client" value="TestClient" checked="checked">TestClient 
<input type="radio" name="client" id="server" value="TestServer">TestServer

Call the getChecked function at the beginning and whenever a radio selection changes (along with running the validate method):

// initial get checked call

// for each radio
$('input[type=radio]').each(function() {
    // when selection changes
    $(this).change(function() {
        // get checked radio
        // perform validation


This solution is specific to this particular problem. If you have more than 2 radios with different input scenarios, the getChecked() function may require adjustment.

Additionally, $('input[type=radio]').each() should be more targeted if there are multiple radio groups. In such cases, consider adding a class to each radio or wrapping them in a parent element to differentiate them.

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