Ways to modify the screen when a click event occurs

To make the display block when clicking this icon:

<div class="index-navi-frame-box">
   <p onclick="expandFunction()">
      <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>

Here is what it should change to:

<div class="index-navi-expanded"></div>

CSS for index-navi-expanded:

width: 100%;
height: 30%;
background-color: #757575;
position: relative;
display: none;


Answer №1

To utilize jQuery, you have the option to replace the old class with the new one in this manner:

$(".index-navi-frame-box").on("click", function() {



Alternatively, it is advisable for the new class to simply override the styles of the previous class, allowing you to add the new class without removing the old one.

Avoid using inline JavaScript (onclick="") and consider placing the above code in a separate .js file or within <script></script> tags.

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

When you click on a paragraph within the ".index-navi-frame-box" element, it triggers a function that changes the "display" property of the ".index-navi-expanded" element to "block".

Answer №3

To achieve the class toggling in pure JavaScript, you can utilize the Element.classList property as shown below:

var x = document.querySelector(".index-navi-frame-box");
x.addEventListener("click", function(){
width: 100%;
height: 30%;
background-color: #757575;
<div class="index-navi-frame-box">
      <i class="fa fa-bars"></i>

Answer №4

You have the option to use the toggleClass method in order to switch back and forth between the two classes.

HTML Code Snippet:

<div id="index-navi" class="index-navi-frame-box">
   <p id="toggleNav"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></p>

JS Script:

$('#toggleNav').click(function() {

Answer №5

review the following code snippet:

<div class="index-navi-frame-box"><p onclick="customfunction()"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></p></div>

<div class="index-navi-expended" id="index-expandable"></div>


function customfunction() {
  var index_expandable = document.getElementById('index-expandable');
  index_expandable.style.display = "block";


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