Ways to modify font color in JavaScript "type"

Recently, I came across a fascinating technique where by simply refreshing the page, the text changes sentences. I managed to implement the code successfully, however, I am having trouble changing the color, size, and alignment of the text.

<script type="text/javascript">
var phrases = new Array(
"Welcome to our website",
"Do you have any game suggestions?",
"Discussing latest trends",
"Let's play games for fun!",
"Not you",
"Pretty please",

This is just for my reference^^^
This is where it should be displayed

<script type="text/javascript">document.write(phrases[Math.floor(Math.random()*phrases.length)]);

Answer №1

To customize the sentence within the HTML element, you can use innerHTML to apply CSS styling or set the style directly from your script. Here's a demo where you can test this functionality:

var phrases = new Array(
"The best website ever!",
"We need game suggestions!",
"Talking about currents :)",
"Fun gaming options?",
"No way",
const container = document.querySelector(".phrase")
container.innerHTML = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random()*phrases.length)]
container.style = "color: blue"
<div class="phrase"></div>

Answer №2

To apply changes to a specific class, utilize CSS and then implement textContent. This method is preferred over innerHTML as it does not require the DOM to be re-parsed and helps prevent XSS-Injections.

Note: When working with HTML elements in JavaScript, use single quotes instead of double quotes to avoid potential issues.

let messages = [
  'Exciting news!',
  'What are your thoughts?',
  'Discussing current events',
  'Fun game suggestions',
  'Negative response received'
const container = document.querySelector('.message')
container.textContent = messages[Math.floor(Math.random()*messages.length)];
.message {
  color: blue;
<div class="message"></div>

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