Ways to extract a collection of values using a designated CSS Selector

Is there a way to quickly retrieve a list of values from a specific CSS selector?

I am interested in extracting text enclosed in <strong> tags only. Currently, I am using :

document.querySelectorAll("p > strong")

However, the result I get is a Node list...

NodeList(101) [strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong,...]

I have been trying to access the innerText like this:

document.querySelectorAll("p > strong")[1].innerText

Is there a way to extract all the targeted text values into a list at once?

Answer №1

Utilize the spread operator to convert it into an array and then apply the map method to extract the necessary information.

var array = [...document.querySelectorAll("p > strong")].map(a=>a.innerText);


Answer №2

When iterating over the nodeList in your code, it functions correctly

I prefer using textContent as it is more standardized

const strong = document.querySelectorAll("p > strong")
const texts = []
for (let i = 0; i< strong.length;i++) texts.push(strong[i].textContent)
<p>Here is some <strong>text</strong> and some <strong>more text</strong></p>

Alternatively, you can map the nodelist after converting it to an array using spread syntax

const texts = [...document.querySelectorAll("p > strong")]
  .map(({textContent}) => textContent)
<p>Here is some <strong>text</strong> and some <strong>more text</strong></p>

If needed, here is a solution using jQuery

const texts = $("p strong").map((_,e) => e.textContent).get();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p>Here is some <strong>text</strong> and some <strong>more text</strong></p>

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