Ways to enlarge a div's dimensions initially by adjusting its height and then expanding its width

.box {
  background-color: DarkSeaGreen;
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  float: left;
  min-height: 50px;
  min-width: 50px;
  max-height: 100px;
  max-width: 100px;
<div class="box">
  ab cd ef gh ij kl mn

In the provided code snippet, we have defined the CSS properties for a box element with specific height and width constraints.

The default behavior dictates that when adding text content, the box will first increase in width until it reaches the maximum specified width of 100px. After reaching this limit, it will then begin to increase in height.

Is it possible to modify the growth order so that the box expands vertically first and then horizontally? This would mean that the box initially grows downwards from a minimum height of 50px to a maximum height of 100px, before expanding width-wise.

Answer №1

The rationale behind this phenomenon lies in the default CSS property used by your browser, known as writing-mode: horizontal-tb. This causes text to flow in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom manner, mirroring typical word formation in Western cultures. However, if you adjust the CSS to writing-mode: vertical-lr, the text will instead fill the box from top to bottom and then move from left to right. As a result, the box will progressively increase in width after reaching its maximum height.

For more information, refer to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/writing-mode

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