Ways to enhance the vertical size of an svg graphic using css

Currently, I am focusing on manipulating an svg image (as depicted in the screenshot with an arrow indicating four triangles) within the html code showcased below, pertaining to the webpage where I aim to increase its height.


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 30 30">
   <path class="path-one" d="M30 30H0V0"></path>
   <path class="path-two" d="M0 30V0h30"></path>

My attempts at adding inline attributes like width="150px" and height="150px" directly into the svg tag have proven ineffective.


I am contemplating what alterations should be made to the provided code above in order to modify the height of the svg image.

Answer №1

If you want to simplify the handling, consider achieving the same output with CSS:

.box {
    linear-gradient(to top left   ,transparent 49.3%,rgb(147, 200, 61,0.4) 50%),
    linear-gradient(to bottom left,transparent 49.3%,#00afc9 50%);
<div class="box">


You can also use this as a background for your black bar:

.box {
    linear-gradient(to top left   ,transparent 49.3%,rgb(147, 200, 61,0.4) 50%),
    linear-gradient(to bottom left,transparent 49.3%,#00afc9 50%),
  background-size:60px 100%;
<div class="box">


Answer №2

add this style to the svg tag:

svg { width: 150px; height: 150px }

Answer №3

It's important to note that the svg image will adjust its height and width based on the values you set using the height and width properties. If you're experiencing issues, it may be related to the paths within the svg. You can test this by adding a background color to the svg element to see if the changes are being applied correctly.

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="300" width="150" 
viewBox="0 0 30 
30" enable-background="new 0 0 311.7 311.5">
<path fill="red" class="path-one" d="M30 30H0V0"></path>
<path fill="blue" class="path-two" d="M0 30V0h30"></path>

 <!-- CSS Code-->
svg {
  background-color: black;

If you want an easy way to experiment with SVG images, check out this handy website:

Take advantage of this resource.

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