Is there a way to make multiple 'pages' appear dynamically within a wrapper? For example, if I have a website with a text area where users can enter information, I want that information to be displayed in a div with fixed dimensions. When the content exceeds the height of the div, I would like additional divs to be added dynamically to display the overflowed text. This is what I envision:
<div id="app">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
<strong>Add text:</strong>
<textarea v-model="text" id="textarea" name="textarea" rows="6" cols="50" />
<div v-for="page in pages" :key="page" class="page">
<strong>Page 1</strong>
<div class="editor-area">{{text}}</div>
<!-- The goal here is to automatically add a 'second page' when the content overflows
the first page. The extra text should then flow into the second page.-->
I'm looking for a dynamic solution so users can input as much content as they need.
Here's a simple codesandbox with basic code for reference.
Thank you!