Ways to conceal an item by considering the size of a different element

I have a question about displaying content within a div element. I want to show a "show more" button only if the content inside the div exceeds a max height of 530px. Otherwise, the button should remain hidden.

Here is the code snippet I'm using:


var clientHeight = document.getElementById('ccontainer').clientHeight;
if (clientHeight >= 530) {
    var x = 1;
} else {
    var x = 0;
if (x == 1) {


<div class="ccontainer" id="ccontainer">
  <p id="context"> content </p>
  <div class="img" id="cntimgcon" >
    <img src="images\image2.jpg" id="cntimgp1">
  <p id="context"> content </p>
<Button class="showmore"> show more </button>

Answer №1

let showMoreButton = document.querySelector('.showmore');
const containerHeight = document.querySelector('#ccontainer').clientHeight;

if (containerHeight <= 530) {
  showMoreButton.style.display = 'none'; // hide the button
} else {
  showMoreButton.style.display = ''; // display the button

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