Ways to apply distinct styles to various ids and common classes

When dealing with multiple IDs such as id1, id2, and id3 that share common classes like .selectize-input and .select-dropdown, it can become cumbersome to set styles individually for each ID.

Instead of writing:

#id1 .selectize-input, #id2 .selectize-input, #id3 .selectize-input {};
#id1 .selectize-dropdown, #id2 .selectize-dropdown, #id3 .selectize-dropdown {};

Is there a more efficient way to apply these styles?

Note: Keep in mind that there are other selectors requiring different styles. This feature is necessary for my design needs.

Answer №1

In my opinion, it would be best if it appears in this manner:

[id^="id"].selectize-input {};
[id^="id"].selectize-dropdown {};

Answer №2

If you're applying the same style to multiple IDs, it's best to use a class selector instead of indicating each ID individually. Alternatively, you can utilize multiple selectors for a more concise syntax, but remember to test it out first to ensure it works as expected.

For example:


However, keep in mind that this approach may make your code harder to read for others. It's always a good practice to maintain proper syntax clarity in your coding.

Answer №3

When creating a rule, it's best practice to only reference the class name and avoid including the id...

.custom-input {};
.custom-dropdown {};

If specificity is causing issues, address this in another section of your stylesheet. Avoid using ids for styling whenever possible.

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