Ways to alter the CSS class of individual labels depending on the content of textContent

In my HTML template, I'm using jinja tags to dynamically create labels from a JSON object. The loop responsible for generating this content is detailed below.

<div class="card mb-0">
    {% for turn in response %}
        <div class="card-header collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse{{turn['turn_id']}}" href="#">
            <a class="card-title"> {{turn['author_name']}} {{turn['date_time']}} </a>
                  <div id="collapse{{turn['turn_id']}}" class="card-body collapse in" >
                            {% for sent in turn['list_of_sentences'] %}
                                {% for tag in sent['tags'] %}
                                    <label><span class="badge" id="{{tag}}">{{ tag }}</span></label>
                                {% endfor %}
                            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

A JavaScript function I've written changes the CSS class based on the label's ID by assigning the label's textContent to the ID.

$(window).on('load', change_label_css );

function change_label_css(){
    console.log("Changing CSS classes");
    // Logic to change CSS classes based on label textContent
    // Insert code for updating CSS classes here
    console.log("End of changing CSS classes");

I've noticed that the current logic might not be ideal, especially with different and similar label IDs. Can anyone suggest a better way to iterate through each label and update the CSS class accordingly?

Answer №1

To simplify the process, you can create an object that stores all label names and their corresponding classes:

const labelClassMap = {
    "OT": "badge badge-warning",
    "RES": "badge badge-success"

Next, go through each of the relevant labels that need class assignment. Check their text content against the map you created earlier to set their class values accordingly.

for(let label of document.querySelectorAll("label" /*You may adjust the selector here*/)){
   label.classList.add(...labelClassMap[label.textContent].split(" "))

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