Ways to adjust the content width within an iframe without altering the iframe's overall width

I need help with adjusting the width slider in my iframe. I want the width slider to control the content width within the iframe, not the actual width of the iframe itself. Essentially, I want to switch between mobile and desktop mode by resizing the content inside the iframe while keeping the iframe size fixed. How can I achieve this?

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    iframe {
      width: 240px;
      height: 240px;
    #sliders {
      background-color: #ffffff;
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 0%;
      left: 0%;
      right: 0%;
      padding-left: 5px;
      padding-bottom: 8px;
      border-top: 1px solid #000000;

  <div style="overflow-x: scroll">
    <iframe id="myIframe" src="index.html"></iframe>
  <div id="sliders">
    <label>width: <input type="range" id="w" min="240" max="1024" value="240" style="width:97%" /></label>
    <label>height: <input type="range" id="h" min="240" max="1024" value="240" style="width:97%" /></label>
    const iFrame = document.querySelector('#myIframe');

const sliders = document.getElementById('sliders');
const w = document.getElementById('w');
const h = document.getElementById('h');
sliders.addEventListener('input', e => {
  const tgt = e.target.closest('[type=range]');
  if (!tgt) return; // not a slider
  iFrame.style.width = w.value + 'px'
  iFrame.style.height = h.value + 'px'


Answer №1

An iframe acts as a sort of window within a webpage where external web content can be displayed. It is important to note that the content inside an iframe does not merge or become part of the main page itself.

As previously mentioned by others, there are several options available:

  • Implement appropriate CSS styling for the content to be loaded into the iframe
  • If the content inside the iframe shares the same naming conventions as the parent document, you can manipulate and access it from the parent's DOM.

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