Ways to adjust the anchor and h1 elements using CSS

I'm working on an HTML document with some markup,

<a class="home-link" href="index.html" rel="home">
<h1 class="site-title">John Arellano's Personal Website</h1>

While styling the site title, I encountered a problem. My cursor allows me to click on the link even in the blank space.

Is there anyone who can help me fix this using CSS only? Unfortunately, I am unable to make changes to the HTML document, so I need to find a CSS solution.

Even if I set the width to 200px, I can still click on positions beyond that limit.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect using CSS, you can use the following code:


Answer №2

It's important to remember that block elements should not be nested inside inline elements. Here is the correct way to structure it:

<h1 class="site-title"><a class="home-link" href="index.html" rel="home">John Arellano's Personal Website</a></h1>

Answer №3

To modify the html code, make sure to follow these steps:

<h1><a href="" class="home-link">Site name</a></h1>

If you are experiencing issues, it might be due to indentation in your css. Try implementing the following adjustments:

 height:80px; /*customize your height */
 width:80px; /*customize your width */


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