VueSax notifications are showing up in the wrong place

Could it be my fault or is it due to the alpha status of vuesax that the notifications I want to use are displaying incorrectly? Here is the code extracted from the documentation:

openNotification (title_, text_) { //This code is placed inside Vue methods
    title: title_,
    text: text_

When I try to execute it:

this.openNotification('test', 'This is a test')

When I run it, the notification pops up, but the font appears completely different. As it's triggered by JavaScript, I'm unsure how to style it using CSS. Shouldn't the default font from Vue.js be applied?

Answer №1

Phil recommended examining the notification and paying attention to the class name. Once identified, attempting to apply font-family: inherit to that class may help determine if it affects the font style as desired.

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