Vue-loader component experiencing issues with applying dynamic CSS styling

I'm working with a Vue Component and I want to enhance it by binding a color to a specific message. Initially, I attempted to achieve this using a binding like


However, I encountered the following error:

The property or method "styles" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Ensure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, initialize the property

or create specific color classes in the css file.


This led to an error stating

"Cannot read property '2' of undefined"

Is there a way to dynamically bind the color of the class based on a number received from the API?

Below is my code snippet:

    <div class="chat__message shadow" :class="{'chat__message--own': message.selfOwned, colorClass}" >


    import moment from 'moment'
    export default {
        props: ['message'],
                time: '',
                colorArray: ['hsl(210 , 82 , 50 )', 'hsl(130 , 50 , 51 )', 'hsl(337 , 50 , 46 )','hsl(133 , 50 , 65 )', 'hsl(28 , 50 , 70 )','hsl(180 , 50 , 59 )' , 'hsl(274 , 50 , 82 )'],
                styles: {
                    'background-color' : this.colorArray[2]
            this.time = moment(this.message.created_at).format('HH:mm');
        methods: {
                this.colorClass = "color--" + number ;

<style lang="scss">
            &--1{background-color: hsl(210 , 82 , 50 );}
            &--2{background-color: hsl(130 , 50 , 51 );}
            &--3{background-color: hsl(337 , 50 , 46 );}
            &--4{background-color: hsl(133 , 50 , 65 );}
            &--5{background-color: hsl(28 , 50 , 70 );}
            &--6{background-color: hsl(180 , 50 , 59 );}
            &--7{background-color: hsl(274 , 50 , 82 );}

                background-color: hsl(201, 100%, 55%);
                color: rgba(255,255,255,1);
                text-align: right;


Answer №1

Give this a try,

export default {
     props: ['message'],
         var self = this; // Including this line
             date: '',
             colorArray: ['hsl(10 , 72 , 40 )', 'hsl(140 , 30 , 41 )', 'hsl(297 , 49 , 56 )','hsl(100 , 30 , 75 )', 'hsl(38 , 60 , 80 )','hsl(200 , 32 , 61 )' , 'hsl(254 , 47 , 76 )'],
             stylesColor: {
                 'background-color' : self.colorArray[1] // Edit needed here

Answer №2

The code snippet you shared does not contain any HTML that references styles. Is it possible that another component is attempting to access the styles variable of this component?

Is there a way to dynamically bind the color of a class based on a number received from the API?

If you add cssEl to your component's data object, you can handle it like so:

watch: {
  // Track the color (or colors) retrieved from the API
  colorTakenFromApi () {
    // Remove the previous class, if it exists
    this.cssEl && this.cssEl.remove();
    // Create a DOM element and specify it as a stylesheet
    this.cssEl = document.createElement('style');
    this.cssEl.type = 'text/css';
    // Use a text template to insert the desired CSS rule
    this.cssEl.innerHTML = `
      .${this.cssClass} {
        background-color: `${this.colorTakenFromApi}`

It may be considered a workaround, but this is how I managed to update my CSS classes at runtime.

Answer №3

If you find yourself unable to access the variable this when initializing data, there is a workaround:

Start by declaring your styles object as an empty object.

        time: '',
        colorArray: ['hsl(210 , 82 , 50 )', 'hsl(130 , 50 , 51 )', 'hsl(337 , 50 , 46 )','hsl(133 , 50 , 65 )', 'hsl(28 , 50 , 70 )','hsl(180 , 50 , 59 )' , 'hsl(274 , 50 , 82 )'],
        styles: {},

Then, in the created lifecycle hook, set the initial style:

created() {
    this.time = moment(this.message.created_at).format('HH:mm');

    // Using Vue.set
    Vue.set(this, 'styles', {
        'background-color' : self.colorArray[2]

    // OR Normal setting
    this.styles = {
        'background-color' : this.colorArray[2]

Answer №4

If you're facing a problem and not sure if I understand it correctly, you can try using computed methods:

props: ['message', 'colorNumber'],
computed: {
   getColorClass () {
      return 'color--' + this.colorNumber

In your template, you can use the following code:

    <div :class="{'chat__message shadow': true,
                  'chat__message--own': message.selfOwned,
                   getColorClass: true}" >

If you want to maintain props as they were before, and the prop "message" will change, then consider using watch (deep kind) instead of computed methods.

However, if the message props remain constant after the page is loaded, you can store it in data() variables and utilize it in computed methods:

    return {
        colorNumber: '',
mounted() {
   this.$nextTick(function () {
       // Code that will run only after the
       // entire view has been rendered

       this.colorNumber = this.message.matchPosition;

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