Vanilla JavaScript: toggling text visibility with pure JS

Recently, I started learning javascript and I am attempting to use vanilla javascript to show and hide text on click. However, I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong. Here is the code snippet I have:

Below is the HTML code snippet:

<p class="h5 font-weight-normal">some text<span id="toggle-content" class="toggle- 
content" aria-hidden="true">some other text</span></p>
<a class="text-danger toggle-button" aria-controls="toggle-content">show more</a>

Here is the javascript code snippet:

const a = document.querySelector('.toggle-button');

if(a) {
  a.addEventListener('click', () => {
    const content = document.querySelector('.toggle-content');
    const ariaHidden = content.getAttribute('aria-hidden');

    content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', ariaHidden === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true');

    const buttonText = content.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true' ? 'Show' : 'Hide';

    a.innerHTML = `${buttonText} more`;

And finally, this is the CSS code snippet:

.toggle-content {
  display: none;

.toggle-content[aria-hidden="false"] {
  display: block;

Answer №1

You recently included a line break within the

<p class="h5 font-weight-normal">some text<span id="toggle-content" class="toggle- <!-- here you have added a line break which should not be inside an attribute -->
content" aria-hidden="true">some other text</span></p>

const variable = document.querySelector('.toggle-button');

variableEventListener('click', () => {
const content = document.querySelector('.toggle-content');
const ariaHidden = content.getAttribute('aria-hidden');

content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', ariaHidden === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true');

const atext = content.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true' ? 'Show' : 'Hide';

variable.innerHTML = `${atext} more`;
.toggle-content {
display: none;

.toggle-content[aria-hidden="false"] {
display: block;
<p class="h5 font-weight-normal">some text<span id="toggle-content" class="toggle-content" aria-hidden="true">some other text</span></p>
<a class="text-danger toggle-button" aria-controls="toggle-content">show more</a>

Answer №2

Issue with the first p tag, ensure it is written correctly. I suggest simplifying your method by adding/removing the active class to your element like this:

const button = document.querySelector('.toggle-button');
const content = document.querySelector('.toggle-content');

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
content.classList.contains('active') ? content.classList.remove('active') : content.classList.add('active');

.toggle-content {
display: none;

.active {
display: block;

Consider using document.onload if your element has not yet appeared to prevent issues like this. This function will be called when the document is fully loaded and ready.

Answer №3

It seems like an error was made. Please revise the following:

let content = document.querySelector('.toggle-content');


let content = document.querySelector('#toggle-content');

or for optimal performance,

let content = document.getElementById('toggle-content');

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