V-toolip using a different design [vuetify]

I have a v-data-table configured with 5 columns and I want to add a text as a v-tooltip component. However, since it's all in one template, I am unable to use the tooltip on it without the

<template #activator="{ on }">
. Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?

Below is an excerpt of what one of my columns looks like in the code.

<template #item.title2="{ item }">
  <div class="ellipsis news">
      v-if="item.file != ''"
      <span style="color:white"> {{ item.title }} </span>

My goal is to wrap the v-tooltip around this code snippet, but encountering a specific message while attempting to do so.


When hovering over my v-data-table, specifically the 'news' and 'actors' fields, I would like their details to be displayed.


Answer №1

If you find yourself without a second slot for #activator, simply insert the <v-tooltip> element between the column item slot and the tooltip's activator slot

<template #item.title2="{ item }">
  <v-tooltip bottom>
    <template #activator="{ on, attrs }">
      <div class="ellipsis news" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on">
          v-if="item.file != ''"
          <span style="color: white"> {{ item.title }} </span>
    <span>Im A ToolTip</span>

This code example does not demonstrate usage of a second #activator slot, but if you encounter nested activators, refer to the documentation on the v-menu page for guidance

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