Utilizing SASS in Eclipse for Java EE Development

Although I have already looked at this Stack Overflow question, it did not provide the solution I am seeking.

As a Java Web Developer, I have been utilizing Less for my CSS pre-processing needs. However, I am now interested in transitioning to Sass due to its server-side rendering capabilities. Since Sass requires the 'gem' package manager and is more closely associated with Ruby than Java, I am curious about how I can integrate it into my Eclipse-based Java Web Applications.

It's important to note that I am not just looking for Syntax Highlighting for '.scss' or '.sass' files in Eclipse. Instead, I would like Sass to be processed automatically when my application runs on the server from within Eclipse, compiling into standard CSS. This way, I can avoid manually running 'sass --watch' outside of Eclipse for each Sass file and separately including the generated '.css' files in my web pages.

P.S. While I use both Linux and Windows, my primary development environment is Linux.

Answer №1

After some time has gone by, a solution has finally emerged:


Integrating the Wild Web Developer with Eclipse is seamless. It simplifies the process of compiling SCSS files to CSS files when they are modified. In addition, it offers a range of other features including code completion, syntax highlighting, validation, and more. To fully utilize all its capabilities, installing node.js is necessary.

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