Utilizing margins in CSS for various div elements

Update: I have included Javascript and Masonry tags in my project. Despite having modules of the same size, I am exploring how masonry can assist me. However, I find it a bit puzzling at the moment as I am not aiming to align elements of different sizes. I apologize if adding these additional tags was unnecessary.

I am dividing my content into three sections - offline, issues, and then go. Within these sections, I am organizing what I refer to as modules. When I insert more than three modules, they spill over into a new row. Unfortunately, the titles associated with these modules do not move along, and I have to manually adjust the margin-top property to align everything. I am unsure how to dynamically change the positioning of the rows based on the number of modules present. Any guidance on this matter would be highly appreciated.

<div class="grid_17">
        <div id="offlinetitle">
<p>System is Offline</p>

        <div id="issuestitle">
    <p>System is partially offline or experiencing issues</p>

        <div id="issuescontents">
             <a href="#" class="big-link" data-reveal-id="AccessModal" data-animation="none">
            <div class="grid_3">
                    <p id="contexttitle">Access</p>
                <p id="accesssubmenu">Last Update: 08/30/2013 5:00pm</p>

<div id="AccessModal" class="reveal-modal">
        <p>This is text to describe something>
                    <p4>Last Update: 08/30/2013 5:00pm</p4>
        <a class="close-reveal-modal">&#215;</a>

        <div id="gotitle">
            <p>All systems go</p>


Incorporating CSS styles, the grid_17 serves as the main container holding all components while the last container represents individual modules.



height: 35px;

height: 35px;

height: 35px;
.container_24 .grid_3 {
  width: 213px;

If further details are required, please feel free to ask. Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

To properly structure your content, make sure to enclose each "module" (consisting of a title and its contents) within its own div element. Then, float this parent div to the left for optimal layout. Here is an example:

<div class="grid_17">
        <div id="offlinetitle">...</div>

        <div id="issuestitle">...</div>
        <div id="issuescontents">...</div>

        <div id="gotitle">...</div>

To style this with CSS, you can use the following rules:

.grid_17 { width: 300px; }
.grid_17 > div { float: left; width: 100px; height: 100px; }

Additionally, keep in mind the clearfix technique. If you have content that follows the grid_17 div, remember to clear the float as well. For more information on clearfix classes, refer to resources like this guide.

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