Utilizing Jquery to implement active state and unique IDs during mouseover operation

I found this great example on Stack Overflow that demonstrates Jquery Show/Hide functionality when hovering over links. It works perfectly by showing the content of the next div when the corresponding link is hovered over.

However, I'm facing an issue where I also want to create an active state for the links upon mouseover and fade out the active state when a new link is hovered over.

The challenge lies in the fact that the active state is controlled by an ID instead of a class. Is there a way to achieve this?

Currently, my script looks like this:

 $('a.animal').bind('mouseover', function() {

Here are my link structures:

<a href="dogcontent" class='animal' id='dog'>Dog</a>
<a href="catcontent" class='animal' id='cat'>Cat</a>
<a href="snakecontent" class='animal' id='snake'>Snake</a>

Controlling these divs:

<div id='dogcontent' class='animalcontent'>Some dog content</div>
<div id='catcontent' class='animalcontent'>Some cat content</div>
<div id='snakecontent' class='animalcontent'>Some snake content</div>

The CSS styling for highlighting the Active state is limited to using:


Dealing with the various IDs is a bit challenging for me at the moment. Can you assist with simplifying this process?

Answer №1

To manage active states, a specific class is utilized.

 $('a.animal').bind('mouseover', function() {

In the CSS file, ensure to employ the class selector:


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