Utilizing jQuery to hide a div when hovered over, but keeping it visible when clicked

In my design, there are several buttons styled with position: absolute; and display:block;, along with hidden divs styled with position: absolute; and text inside. By default, these divs are hidden using display:none;.

The goal is to make the div next to a button appear when hovering over it, with a fade or scroll effect, and then disappear when moving the cursor away from the button.

If a button is clicked, the respective div should remain visible (i.e. display:block;), only disappearing again when the button or div itself is clicked on. Hovering over them should not trigger any changes.

Although this concept seemed simple, I'm having trouble implementing it successfully.

Answer №1

If you have a basic understanding of HTML, this is the code I used to achieve it.


<a href="#" class="mybutton">button</a>
<div class="mydiv">some text in it.</div>



$('a.mybutton').click(function() {
    // $('.mydiv').removeClass('hover').show();
}).hover(function() {
}, function() {

Check out this cool demo!

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