Utilizing jQuery to dynamically load CSS files on a webpage

For my website, I have implemented 4 different .css files to handle various screen resolutions.

Here is the innovative jquery code I've developed to dynamically load these files based on the width of the screen.

<link id="size-stylesheet" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="public/_css/normal.css" />

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function adjustStyle(width) 
    width = parseInt(width);
    if(width >= 1920) 
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/bigger.css");
    else if (width >= 1600) 
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/big.css");
    else if (width >= 1366) 
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/normal.css");
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/small.css");



While testing the page in Chrome, I noticed that whenever I resize the window, it flickers excessively. On the contrary, it functions seamlessly on IE8 and Firefox.

You can view a live example of this page by visiting: testing page

I suspect that each time the window is resized, the css files are being reloaded repeatedly, causing the flickering issue. Is there a way to preload the css files for quicker loading during window resizing?

Answer №1

The inconsistent behavior you're seeing is likely due to the browser not handling intensive computations well during the window.onresize event. With this event potentially firing multiple times per second, it can easily lead to a backlog of AJAX requests overwhelming the system.

To address this issue, I suggest utilizing media queries for a more efficient solution. Additionally, considering your openness to Javascript, incorporating a CSS3 media query polyfill for IE6-8 could prove beneficial in achieving desired responsiveness across various browsers.

This approach not only ensures better compatibility moving forward but also simplifies the process of phasing out support for older browsers by discontinuing the use of the polyfill when necessary, rather than reworking CSS entirely from scratch.

Answer №2

Consider enhancing the existing conditions in the if statement:

if(width >= 1920 && !$("#size-stylesheet").attr("href") === "public/_css/bigger.css") 
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/bigger.css");
    else if (width >= 1600 && !$("#size-stylesheet").attr("href") === "public/_css/big.css") 
        $("#size-stylesheet").attr("href", "public/_css/big.css");

This approach ensures that the CSS is only replaced once, rather than being updated every time a resize event occurs.

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