Utilizing jQuery for dynamic horizontal positioning of background images in CSS

Is there a way to set only the horizontal background property? I've tried using background-position-x and it works in Chrome, Safari, and IE, but not in Firefox or Opera.

Additionally, I would like to dynamically set the left value of the position.

var ppp = 10px;
var pLeft = ppp+' top";
jQuery(".bg-test").css("background-position" , pLeft );


var ppp = jQuery(".someClass").width();
var pLeft = ppp+' top";
jQuery(".bg-test").css("background-position" , pLeft );

Check out this JSFiddle for more information!

Answer №1

One way to achieve this is:

$('.bg-test').css('backgroundPosition','left top');

Another option is to use a dynamic value:

$().ready(function() {
    var leftPos = 10+2+5+'px';
    $('.bg-test').css('background-position', leftPos +' bottom');

For more details, check out the updated fiddle

Answer №2


background: url(http://icons.website.com/files/icons/1245/tools_rotate_clockwise/128/object_transform_right.png) 50px 20px no-repeat #f60;

check out http://jsbin.com/eXAS12b/7/

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